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oblique movement中文是什么意思

用"oblique movement"造句"oblique movement"怎么读"oblique movement" in a sentence


  • 斜行


  • There was none of the oblique movement of iron in this .
  • But why military writers , and others following their lead , assume this oblique movement to be a project profoundly planned by some one person for the deliverance of russia and the overthrow of napoleon it is very difficult to see
  • But why military writers , and others following their lead , assume this oblique movement to be a project profoundly planned by some one person for the deliverance of russia and the overthrow of napoleon it is very difficult to see
    但是,为什么军事著作家及其追随者都认为,这次拯救了俄国和击败拿破仑的侧翼进军,是某个人深思熟虑的创举? ?这实在太难以令人理解。
  • So natural was this oblique movement from the nizhni to the ryazan , tula , and kaluga road , that that direction was the one taken by the flying bands of marauders from the russian army , and the one which the authorities in petersburg insisted upon kutuzovs taking
  • The first party consisted of pfuhl and his followers ; military theorists , who believe in a science of war , having its invariable lawslaws of oblique movements , out - flanking , etc . pfuhl and his adherents demanded that the army should retreat into the heart of the country in accordance with the exact principles laid down by their theory of war , and in every departure from this theory they saw nothing but barbarism , ignorance , or evil intention
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